Hailing from the captivating landscapes of the UK and now residingin Comox, Canada, the renowned artist DazM once enchanted dance floors acrossthe UK with his captivating melodies. His musical journey commenced at 18, fromthe vibrant ambiance of Ibiza to the pulsating rhythms of UK clubs. Takinginspiration from legends like Frankie Knuckles, Roger Sanchez, and HarryRomero, DazM's music has transformed into a blend of harmonious frequencies.Through his compositions, he weaves a unique narrative, breathing life into thecore of authentic house music for a profound impact. With a strong dedicationto unity, DazM welcomes individuals of all ages into his musical realm,transcending barriers and fostering connections through the universal languageof house music. For over a decade in Canada, he has continued to demonstratehis love for his art through captivating performances, championing freedom,solidarity, and an unwavering commitment to the artistry of house music.